Sanding epoxy resin is a very important step in the finishing process of your project, but it should be done in the correct way to ensure the best quality of the project and the safety of those involved. If not, you risk ruining your hard work and creating serious risks

A permanent marker might be a nifty art tool, but it can be an incredibly frustrating tool at the same time due to the whole “permanent” nature of the pen. Whether it is a little one scribbling on something that they shouldn’t or an art piece that goes a bit

The end results of working with epoxy is usually a matte finish. Although this is beautiful, it often isn’t the finish that you are expecting or looking for. If you have any experience in working with epoxy resin before, chances are you know exactly what you can do to give

Mod podge is a craft supply line that is incredibly handy when it comes to all things arts and crafts. Acting as an all-in-one product, mod podge can act as a sealer, a glue, and a finish. It is commonly used in the art of decoupage, which simply means the

Are you looking for ways to decorate your home without spending too much money? If yes, then you should try painting your terra cotta plant pots. This DIY project is very simple and inexpensive. All you need is some paint, a brush and a high gloss sealer.  Painting terra cotta

Embroidery machines can be a fantastic way to add some professional flair to your home creations.Brother has always been known for their high quality machinery, and their embroidery machines are exceptional.They offer a wide range of models from basic to advanced, and each model comes with its own unique features. The

Canvas is one of the most preferred materials for painters but what exactly is it? It is much rougher and thicker than paper or card. That’s because canvas isn’t a different form of paper but is instead a fabric. Canvas is a woven material usually made from cotton. But it

When it comes to art, often the humble colored pencil is overlooked. Relegated to the kiddy table, we are here to bring colored pencils back, and not just for your stress relieving coloring book!  Blending with colored pencils can be fun and enhance your work, creating lots of depth. However,

Every few years or so, tie-dye becomes a huge fashion trend. But just because you’re seeing it on the catwalk and all over Instagram, that doesn’t mean tie-dyed clothes should be expensive. In fact, you can easily tie-dye clothes yourself. Tie-dying is essentially the process of bleaching parts of clothes

Mica powder is an important addition to the kit of any serious crafter. The fine powder substance is used as glitter for a variety of purposes. They give added sparkle and a pearlescent look to a whole manner of crafts.  As a crafter, it is likely you know what mica

Gouache is pronounced as ‘gwash’ and is a member of the watermedia family and literally translates as body color or opaque watercolor. It isn’t as popular as other paints and is sometimes mistaken for poster paint or just opaque watercolor. Gouache is made up of natural or synthetic pigment colors,

Candles are the perfect way to relax, unwind, and fill the air with sweet scents, or your favorite smells. You can fill your home with candles for a better ambiance, or for an intoxicating fragrance that everyone can enjoy. If you are a candle lover, then you may want to

Airbrushing is a form of painting that uses compressed air to spray liquidized paint onto a surface. This creates a smooth and flawless surface coating of paint. What will you need? You will need a stylus, an air compressor, and the desired paint. You will also need some airbrush cleaning

Polyester. We have all heard of it. We probably all have fashion items made from it. But what else do we know about it? Polyester is an impressive material for many reasons, and in this article we are aiming to look at just one aspect of polyester, answering one of

Does Mod Podge Dry Clear? Almost every keen crafter will have heard of something called mod podge. When you have spent hours working extremely hard on a piece of crafting, the last thing that you want is for it to become damaged because you didn’t seal your work. Mod Podge